Relaxed Restoratives


A gentle, floor-based yin yoga class, allowing for deep relaxation and the release of mental, emotional, and physical stress. Postures will be held longer to allow opening and strengthening of the deeper connective tissues of the body-the joints, ligaments, and deep fascial networks. Contained in these tissues is where prana, life force energy, flows. Through this practice, energetic blockages and stagnant energy can be removed, balanced and transformed thus allowing the vital energy to flow freely throughout the meridians and energy system of the body.




Restorative yoga is a gentle, supported opportunity to truly rest your body and your mind. A wonderful complement to the more active practice of yoga, restorative yoga uses a passive sequence of poses, supported by bolsters, blankets and other props. The practice of restorative yoga is meant to provide a safe space to deeply relax your body, quiet your mind, counteract your body’s response to stress and balance your energy so that you are able to meet your life feeling refreshed and relaxed. Restorative Yoga Retreat is 1.5 hours of BLISS 1-2x a month!  





A sonic environment is created using a variety of instruments including quartz crystal and Himalayan bowls, gong and rain stick, along with mantra, vocal toning and chant. Every sound journey is different as it is essentially an intuitive process requiring deep sensitivity as to what is needed and the choice of sounds used. The instruments are played around and over you, and sometimes on you, so you can feel the vibrations of the instruments. Sound with heartfelt intension bypasses the analytical hemisphere of the brain allowing the creative and intuitive hemisphere to have free reign. Harmonic sound incites a deep relaxation and letting go as the tones act as keys to unlock denser energy held within the physical, emotional and etheric bodies and the unconscious mind. Relax, enjoy and bathe in a shower of soothing tones. 

Beginning Meditation 

The benefits of meditation are manifold: improved focus, increased self-awareness,  reduced stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure, and the list goes on and on. Everyone can meditate. Our four week series will address the benefits of meditation, different techniques to use and ample time to practice these techniques each week. Which technique is the best? The one that works for YOU!  We will discuss ways in which to structure a daily meditation practice and how to support that and each other.