
Carol Heckman, RN, CNHP, MH, CNC

Carol is a Registered Nurse and a Traditionally Certified Naturopath through Trinity College of Natural Health. She is also a Master Herbalist, and became a Certified Nutritional Consultant through Trinity School of Naturopathy. Since 2003, she’s been teaching and lecturing in the community, including at AACC.

As a nutrition expert, Carol is also passionate about skin care. She often says that what we put on our bodies is as important as what we put in our bodies: despite being the largest organ, skin is one of the most overlooked entryways for toxins. Carol helps clients reach their wellness goals and learn about healthy choices and balanced living.

She truly walks the talk with her own work/life balance. When not at Chesapeake Holistic, Carol shares her life with her husband and two beautiful children in Annapolis and at their organic farm in Cortland, NY.

Carol practices at Coastal Retreat, Easton every Tuesday.  Scheduling may be done via the Mind/Body App or by contacting Carol at